Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Episode 2.1 : Berlin, Germany

I feel a lot more comfortable in Berlin than i did in Budapest... I think it has to do with the modernness of this city.  Budapest was very old-world feeling and i felt like i was a stranger in a land stuck in the past (old ladies in babushkas everywhere...).  Berlin reminds me to an eerie degree of Chicago or New York, and i am apparently more at home in a big city environment than i had realized. I love this city.

The view from my room

Anyways, i apologize for having been here a week already and not blogging.  It has been a busy and fun week though, so at least it was not out of sheer laziness!  There seems to be infinite things to do and see here, especially this time of year, so I'm trying to pack in as much as i can whilst not burning myself out.  Its been snowing all but 2 of the days or so that we've been here, and the days it didn't snow, it rained. This of course would bother most, but it just makes me happy.

That same view looks like this more often than not...

  This city knows how to do Christmas.  The streets are lined with decorations, little shops, and stalls selling delicious snacks and booze.  Then there are the Christmas Markets....
Like something out of a dream... at least, one of my dreams...

These big city-block sized markets are just wall to wall stands selling everything from wood carvings to clothes to fresh roasted chestnuts. There are of course 2 stands selling beer or gluwein (hot Christmas wine often with shots in it) for every one not hawkin booze


.  Some of the markets even have skating rinks (shitty ones with wet ice...), Ferris wheels, and live music.
Dont forget the meat stands!!

My first night here, i discovered a nice Irish pub about a mile down from the hotel, and despite the fact that it seems a bit counter productive to visit an Irish pub in Berlin, I figured i might find some English speakers to give me some tips about the area. That's where I met Mike and Mike, and little Russian Dmitri...
2 American Mikes and a Russian...

As well as Scottish bartender Gemma.  After talking a few times, Gemma agreed to be my Scottish tour guide via facebook should I get the chance to visit her homeland.
Cactuar has always wanted to visit Scottland

   After a few pints one day, TC Mike Mike and I decided to do a bit of pub crawling around the greater Downtown Berlin area... this was a good idea.  Already a bit ragged at 3 PM or so, our first stop was.... another irish pub.  we stopped in for only a quick pint before heading back out and wandering upon another christmas Market, which actually had a giant mobile bar set up in the middle of it.  After enjoying a couple beers served to us by crazy German Mrs. Clause and Lurch in lederhosen, we met up with Dmitri, who has a place here and knows it better than most of us.  we wandered a bit after that, though at this point i don't recall where cuz i was several pints deep and just going with the flow.  I remember a mall, and this giant thing...
Trust me, its even bigger when youre drunk...

Next we found ourselves at a bar that claimed to require reservations, but was so empty that they would "overlook it" and give us a table.  it was one of those places that has the taps at the tables and just charges you for however much german beer you serve yourself.

i wish it had been guinness...

  It goes without saying that the nachos were excellent. After enjoying a few liters of beer collectively, we stumbled back out into the streets.  At this point, i was ready to head back to the hotel, but the Mikes and TC insisted that we stop in for 1, just 1 drink, at a hole in the wall in a dark alley simply called "German Pub".  It was a good decision.

All of us were somewhere between reasonably and unreasonably drunk at this point, but we all reacted the same way to our big stern looking german bartender.  we dug him.  He spoke NO english.  He was out of good beer. He didnt care what you thought about him. When TC ordered what he apparently thought was a Frau Beer (lady beer), he served it to him, and gave him a candy bracelet to wear.  He seemed less disappointed when i ordered water, but it clearly did not impress him. What happened next i still don't quite understand... we somehow got into a contest with him to see who could hold 4 giant beer mugs full of water up, arm outstretched completely, the longest.  He handily dispatched us all in his little game, before claiming euros from us all.  Then he gave us all shots and explained that he hates technology and fast food through his little translator friend that had come in for a drink. After that, i decided that if i was to get home before 3 AM, i should leave now.  He refused to take any money from me for the water, but i managed to slip him 5 euros before leaving.  My biggest regret so far is not catching this man on film... so sorry, no pics... Then came the walk home alone, from some dark alley, that i had no idea how id gotten to.  Using only a few landmarks and my dynamite sense of direction, i managed to make it all the way back to the hotel several miles away, unscathed.

This giant penis joke pretty much got me home...

     Monday we had our ice in.  It went fairly well, no real problems to speak of.  The labor was for the most part very hard working and smart, and most of them had done it before in past years.  Shows start tomorrow, and ill be there all day for them, so hopefully i can enjoy the show in all its German glory.

Next step... shopping....

I'm leaving this city broke, i know it....

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