Thursday, December 30, 2010

Episode 3.1 : Dublin *Holiday Edition*

Top o' the mornin (or evening) to you all!  I'm chillin in Dublin Ireland, finally made it here on Christmas eve after a not-so-fun 3 day stay stranded at the airport hotel in Berlin.  That was almost a week ago now, and its been a pretty mellow week.  The hotel we are staying in, Citywest, is the biggest hotel in europe, and im pretty sure its also haunted, and it could easily double for the hotel in the Shining...

I swear every time a turn a corner in this place i half expect twins on tricycles....  

Extra bonus, the venue is literally on the hotel grounds, about a 30 second walk from the front door of the hotel! scoooooore.

so ya anyways, this was my first Xmas away from home, and i definately felt it. Really helped that i had Joe here with me, and the rest of the ice guys and Holly, our honorary  ice girl here made for a nice surragate family for the occasion. I was unsure of how were going to be spending the holiday, but luckily, the team that actually made it here on time (not screwed over by the snow like us, and even worse the 3rd team), had the forethought to buy groceries for us all.  The result?  A delicious meal made via portable grill and zamboni.  Steak, baked potatoes, corn, and beans....
Not pictured - Corn....  but it made a delicious debut later....

  IT WAS AN ICEMAS MIRACLE!  Jason's use of the zamboni as a means of cooking was as inspired as Holly's soy sauce/guinness marinade for the steak.
Ok, so we were a little lazy with the beans, don't judge...

We chilled at the venue with our meals (and a little something to keep us warm)
What can i say, he has good taste....
errmm.... Great taste....

for a few hours, before retiring back to the hotel bar, where we lounged about with the rest of the crew and skaters all night.  Cactuar made his rounds.


Nothing clever...No idea what was going on when i took this?

Eventually i had to retire to the venue, as i pulled night shift on Christmas, but for some reason it didnt bother me at all....
Good company makes everything easier...

ANYWAY, as new years approaches, I find that we have done very little in Ireland so far aside from chill at the pub.... I did go into town today with some peeps and get some delicious food and beer, but it was a very minor trip, nothing too exciting.

  Tomorrow, I'm sposed to go to the Guinness Brewery, and the Jameson Distillery.... promises to be an exciting day!  Should have more interesting things to write about afterwords....

PS, this thing cracks me up every time i walk past it.  SMILEY FACE  :D
gotta enjoy the little things....

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