Monday, November 29, 2010

Episode 1.1 : Budapest Hungary

Here we go.... After my first intercontinental flight, during which i chatted with a nice girl from Milwaukee and watched the Sorcerer's apprentice, and my first non-US layover (Zurich Switzerland), and flying over what appeared to be middle earth

I arrived safely in Budapest Hungary.  First impressions are everything, and the girl who greeted us at the airport with a sign for Joe and Vess Green didn't disappoint. Misspellings aside, she was very very hot. We said goodbye to her 30 seconds later after she brought us to our big hairy cab driver.  He got us safely to our hotel, the lovely Budapest Ramada, home of the smallest rooms ive ever seen.  I shouldn't complain, what with being in Budapest for free and all, but whoa, for real. The next 36 hours were a jetlagged blur... i remember walking down the street for some sort of salty meat in a pita, apparently referred to as kabob, and a seperate trip to a local shop to get something to drink.  The rest of the time was headaches and naps... 
    This morning proved to be much better, i think im finally adapting to living 7 hours in the future... FUTURE UR Ur ur ur....  I woke up bright and early (noonish...) and took off on a sightseeing extravaganza with fellow ice slave TC.

ya thats the guy.  We walked a few miles along the river, taking pics and so forth, as tourists are like to do.  Cactuar got in on the action as well...

Of course afterward he noticed the sign....

All was well though, as the Hungarian police were far too busy accosting TC for his skin color to notice.  We made our way up the river a bit, taking in the sites (more pics can be viewed on my facebook Budapest pics ) before we came upon what i can only describe as a giant hungarian bazaar.  It was 3 stories tall, the basement selling mostly fish and pickled items, the the main floor having every sort of deli item, butchered meats, fresh veggies, or other local groceries you could want, and the top level being wall to wall souvenirs.  If you recieve a gift from me from Hungary, chances are it was purchased at this Bazaar, using this crazy money.


After perusing the many many stands and talking to a nice lady from conneticut about the best places to go in Budapest, we decided to head back to the hotel to meet up with poor Joe (who had been working all day :-/ ) for some dinner.  We chose a nice Mexican Hungarian fusion place down the street a bit.  The service was poor, but my food was delicious.  Upon returning to the hotel, we discovered that the skaters and crew had arrived, and therefor were not surprised to see that the internet speed was at about 1% of its previous medioctrity. That about brings us up to current...  Tomorrow the work starts, and i will get to discover how much fun it is to work with foreign labor.  Couldn't be worse than Albany Georgia...

1 comment:

  1. So the chances are high that you purchased pickled watermelon rinds at this bazaar for me?
